Advertising & Brand Builder

Ahead of Her Time

Natalie possessed a discerning taste, keen intuition, and a fearlessness that drove her to pioneer imaginative advertising and alternative methods to best reach consumers and elevate KOHLER to aspirational brand status. Her imprint is omnipresent, highlighted by renowned campaigns that featured the avant-garde, artistic and provocative As I See It print advertisements; and a stable of clever – often humorous – and inspirational television commercials.

When Natalie Black Kohler assumed leadership of Kohler Communications, KOHLER was a distant 3rd in Brand Awareness. Within a few years, KOHLER ascended to the top and has never looked back. Much of that achievement and domination was due to Natalie’s dogged determination, entrepreneurial spirit, and keen intuition.

KOHLER continues to be widely sought and revered and Natalie’s imprint is omnipresent: avant-garde As I See It advertising campaigns; decades’ string of Most Remembered Exhibit Booth at Kitchen & Bath Show, and International Builders Show; and the Kohler Design Center, her beloved showcase of artistic products, breakthrough design ideas, and unique company history.

Natalie possessed a discerning taste, unbridled zeal, and a fearlessness that drove her to pioneer imaginative advertising and alternative methods to best reach consumers and elevate KOHLER to aspirational brand status.

She applied these same talents in her long-standing roles as Senior Vice President, General Counsel and Member of the Kohler Co. Board of Directors, where Natalie was prominent in helping to guide the company through significant global expansion and unprecedented growth.